Dr Gwendoline DeWitt
Becoming a member of this group and of the larger community has been a great honor for Dr. Gwendoline DeWitt. Since her youth, she has felt a deep purpose in connection and service of others, which has aligned well in her career of psychology and psychotherapy. Introduced to psychedelics in 2014, and a long time student of the Dharma, her work and personal life have been greatly influenced and encouraged by the energies/spirit/frequencies that exist behind and beyond our physical form. Dr. Dewitt believes strongly in each person’s ability to heal themselves from the core, in addition to the ultimate freedom for all beings. She trusts in the process as a guide to help others find their path, and the journey within. She is reminded in the words of Baba Ram Dass, that we, as humans, are enrolled in school, and everything in this life is our teacher, all experiences are opportunities for growth. Her practice is gratitude for everything and love for all. In her personal time, she enjoys the outdoors, water, yoga, animals, crickets and fireflies, to name a few 🙂 .